
Eden Prairie Public Schools (MN)

As school districts received large amounts of federal funding as a result of CARES Act legislation, Eden Prairie Public Schools turned to CESO Finance for assistance with critical reporting.

The Story

Like many schools, Eden Prairie Public Schools (EPPS) received federal CARES ACT funding to help turn the table on learning loss, combat student hunger, recruit & retain employees, and so much more. Unfortunately, the associated federal compliance reporting work came at a time when multiple staff were transitioning off the team. What's more, the beginning of the school year brought annual audits, heavy payroll work, and ceaseless questions about purchasing.

Realizing they could use some additional help, the EPPS team got in contact with CESO Finance.

The Outcome

To help shoulder the load, the CESO Finance team was able to provide an accounting practitioner on-site, and provide remote support for finance data entry to alleviate the deluge of school startup tasks related to payroll — including the facilitation of a new digital time-entry process for hourly staff.

Finally, using a proprietary process, the CESO Finance team was able to save the district weeks of research by delivering FY22 federal reporting calculations and documentation.


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