
St. Louis Park Public Schools (MN)

As an entire school district worked to make wise budget cuts in the face of a shortfall, the CESO Transportation Consulting team worked with school officials to analyze the data and find a solution that would reflect the heart of the community.

The Story

Entering the 2021-22 school year, the St. Louis Park transportation department faced a $300,000 budget shortfall. Balancing a need to provide excellent transportation with financial realities, the district turned to CESO to provide a comprehensive assessment. Further, the team wanted to avoid creating additional barriers for students who were already experiencing obstacles in education access.

The Outcome

Our team was able to assist the school district in identifying budget cuts that took economic and ethnic demography into consideration, guaranteeing that students facing the most pronounced barriers would be least affected — and that students of color would not be disproportionately impacted.


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